Course Catalog








Frontend development


Duration: 3 months


Course Catalog is exactly as the name sounds. It is a website that helps you select various courses that you want to learn and provides you with an interactive area for you to learn and grow. This website is educational and focuses on providing a platform for people to learn new skills and gain in-depth knowledge of the fields of their interest. 


Our clients at Course Catalog hired us as a frontend developer agency. Codesy Consulting was hired to engineer the designs of the Course Catalog website and thus bring the application to life with our state-of-the-art technology implementation strategies. 


The goal of this project was to design and engineer the frontend of the website, Course Catalog. We aimed at designing a website that could make navigation easier and help people get connected with the courses that they were looking for in a neat and efficient manner. 

Our priority was to engineer a smooth and easy to use web interface to make sure that people can have access to the website in a way that can be customized for their particular needs. 

We researched similar websites including websites like Udemy, Coursera to understand the basic structure and features of such a website. And brainstormed ideas to develop the frontend of the website Course Catalog to help it bring about a change in the market.

To accomplish such a huge task, the basic requirement is using strong technologies. Accordingly, we utilized Vue.js to develop and engineer the frontend in a new fashion. 


Course Catalog is a website that requires a number of different features to help it stand out. Some of the things that made this website unique are given below:

  • Improved accessibility and efficiency for fetching resources. 
  • Made an easy to use system to allow users to organize their workstations. 


Designing and developing the frontend of a website brings with itself a number of different challenges. For Course Catalog, our team had to go through a number of different strategies to make sure that the end result could meet the requirements of the client. 

To engineer the frontend of Course Catalog, we were looking for a tool that was not only easy to use but also provided key features that could make this website stand out. 

To meet this goal, we decided to work with Vue.js to engineer the frontend of Course Catalog.  With the help of this technology, we were able to conduct in depth research about our product and develop a website that could handle changes without any issues.

Our team worked on brainstorming ideas and solutions that could best solve the various issues of this website. We worked on making the UI seamless and easy to use to make sure that the users can make changes and personalize their learning space without having navigation difficulties. 


Course Catalog is a website that specializes in providing its users a place where they can learn and grow digitally. This website lets you pick courses according to your likings and helps you develop your workspace according to your needs. 

For an ever changing website, Codesy Consulting was hired to design and engineer the frontend in such a way as to accommodate and help users grow in an easy navigation system. 

Our team developed an intricate and aesthetic design that could help users make changes and apply them to their personal space. This helps users learn in a more efficient and fun environment. 

Our main goal of this project was to make the website more accessible and with the help of our talented team we were able to do just that and more. 


To officially bring the project to completion, we ran necessary quality assurance tests. We were able to complete the project within the timeframe agreed between the clients and our team. The project helped our team step into the world of frontend designing of educational websites.